Best portable tennis ball machine – Sports Tutor Tennis Twist

sports tutor tennis twist

Choosing the best portable tennis ball machine can take time and effort. The choices are so many – different modes, options, and properties. And yet – the question is still burning, how and why choose a portable tennis ball machine?

Best teammate

Sometimes all you want to do is keep hitting the ball outside. If you need to accomplish this, a portable tennis ball machine can be what you want. If you restrict the number of balls, you hit and concentrate on the technique you want to work on, ball machines may assist you. A ball machine provides fantastic exercise that helps you develop your skills. You may maintain excellent physical shape by hitting tennis balls continuously for as long as you desire, particularly off-season. And on top of that – it’s the best teammate that never gets tired, sick or just lazy.

Sports tutor Tennis Twist with a battery

Tennis Twist® was specifically created for tennis newbies just starting their training. Children who are just starting to play tennis find it to be the perfect training companion due to its small size and simplicity of use. Tennis Twist can be played by any kid who can wave a racket. However, Tennis Twist is not only for kids. For adults warming up, it is the perfect training device.

How to use Tennis Twist®?

Simply switch it on, and the ball will start to shoot every five seconds and its unusual spiral form allows for the combination of up to 28 balls. The ball’s trajectory may be changed from 3 to 6 meters.  The Tennis Twist may be used on many surfaced locations, including driveways, courtyards, and even basements, thanks to its adjustable range. It can be readily moved to the park or nearby tennis courts since it only weighs 5 kg. A practical built-in handle is included in the high-impact plastic enclosure. There are AC and battery-powered varieties of Tennis Twist available. With six “D” size batteries, the battery-operated model may operate for up to 10 hours.

When searching for the best portable tennis ball machine, Tennis Twist® can be a great choice. Not only for beginners this ball machine will be a great teammate and if you hit the ball a bit wilder, Tennis Twist® won’t complain. And bonus – you may also use this device to train your pet. Dogs will actually value such technology in the house.