Terms of use

1. Scope of application

1.1. These terms and conditions of the Credo Baltic LTD (named “seller” in the following), are valid for all contracts which the customer concludes with the seller concerning all products and/or services offered by the seller in the online-shop. We hereby contradict the integration of customers ‘conditions unless an agreement have been reached to the contrary.
1.2. Customers in the sense of point 1.1 are consumers as well as entrepreneurs. A consumer means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that is outside his/her trade, business or profession. In contrary, an entrepreneur means a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal personality who or which, when entering into a legal transaction, acts in exercise of his/her or its trade, business or profession. A partnership with legal personality is a partnership that has the capacity to acquire rights and to incur liabilities.

2. Conclusion of contract

2.1. The product presentations in the seller’s online shop do not present a binding offer of the seller but serve as the basis of a legally binding buying quotation of the customer.
2.2. The customer is able to submit the quote in written form, by mail or via the integrated online order form in the online shop. If the customer orders via the order form, he/she places a legally binding buying quotation of the goods lying in the shopping cart after having entered his/her personal data and after having clicked on the button “Confirm order”.
2.3. Within 5 days the seller can accept this quotation by a written electronic (email) confirmation or by sending the goods. The seller can deny the order.
2.4. Regularly, the order process as well as the contacting are done by email and by an automated order process. The customer has to ensure that the entered email address is correct so that he/she can receive emails which are sent by the seller. Especially by using SPAM filters, the customer has to ensure that he/she receives all emails which are sent to execute the buying process.

3. Prices and term of payment

3.1. The indicated prices are final prices, i.e., they contain all price components, including legal Latvian VAT. If additional delivery costs are incurred, they will be indicated separately in the product presentation.
3.2. If a delivery to a foreign country is offered, the customer can use the following payment methods (unless nothing else is mentioned in the product presentation): Cash in advance via PayPal.
3.3. Possibly, additional costs can arise for deliveries out of the EU e.g., further taxes and/or charges (customs duties).
3.4. If cash in advance is chosen, the payment is immediately due after the conclusion of contract.

4. Terms of delivery

4.1. Delivery takes place on the dispatch route and to the shipping address which is indicated by the customer. For the successful execution of the transaction only the indicated shipping address is relevant. Only if the payment method PayPal is chosen, the shipping address indicated in PayPal is relevant.
4.2. If a shipment to the customer is not possible, the ordered transport company will send the goods back to the seller. In this case the customer has to bear the costs. This is not valid if the customer is temporary prevented for the acceptance of the goods unless the seller has informed the customer early enough about the delivery date or the customer makes use of his/her right of revocation.

5. Reservation of proprietary rights

Delivered products belong to the seller until he receives the payment of the products.

6. Liability for defects

If a defect exists, legal regulations are applicable. Deviating from this the following points for entrepreneurs are valid:
6.1. A non-existent defect cannot be used for a defect claim. The seller decides on the type of repair. For new products, the limitation period is one year after the transfer of risk. The limitation period shall not begin to run again for replacement in respect of liability for defects.
6.2. If the customer is a consumer, we ask him/her to claim goods having transport damages and to inform the seller of the damage. If the customer does not claim, his/her behavior does not have any consequences on the legal or contractual claims for defects.

7. Liability

7.1. For every legal reason the seller is fully liable for violation of life, body or health and for deliberate action or gross negligence, for fraud and warranty guarantees and if the liability is done according to legal regulations (e.g., product liability law).
7.2. Besides, the seller is liable in the following aspects for whatever legal reason:
7.2.1. If the seller has negligently violated a contractual duty (cardinal obligation), the duty of replacement for material damages is limited to predictable average damages. A cardinal obligation is an obligation which the contract imposes on the seller to realize the purpose of the contract, its realization enables the proper execution of the contract. The customer can always rely on its compliance.
7.2.2. If the seller has negligently violated an unessential contractual duty, the duty of replacement is limited to the contract value.

8. Data privacy

You will find detailed information in the topic Data protection.